Volcanoes are erupting in The Philippines, but on-fire Australia received some welcome rain. The Iran war cries have been called off and The Donald’s military powers are about to be hamstrung by the Senate. Meanwhile, his impeachment trial is starting, and we’re all on Twitter for a front-row seat.
Article Source: Christian Science Monitor
Stronger NATO, more decisive EU: What Putin’s war hath wrought
When a pro-NATO group in Finland began circulating a petition last week demanding a referendum on whether the traditionally non-aligned country should join the U.S.-led transatlantic defense alliance, the response was overwhelming.
After Rwandan genocide, Hutu and Tutsi women unite behind the drum
The women, chatting back and forth, carry heavy drums and handfuls of drumsticks out into the courtyard. Without a word, they stand in front of their instruments. Suddenly, the drumming explodes with such joy that it’s impossible not to be carried away by the intensity.
Malaysian mothers win citizenship rights for their children
In a landmark ruling, Malaysian mothers are now allowed to pass their citizenship to their children born overseas – a privilege previously only granted to fathers. The change helps ease access to residency, education, and health care for families.
Tiny Home Village offers path out of homelessness
What Henry Esquivel likes most about his new house is the blast of cold air it delivers when he walks in.
Water shortage spans the Southwest – but so does water progress
For decades, Lake Mead has represented a vibrant life in the desert for people in both the U.S. and Mexico.
Climate report: Hope is not lost, but ‘we need to move faster’
The news this week about the Earth’s future has been, for the most part, grim.
Mexicans save their democracy
Despite campaign violence, they voted to restrain the power ambitions of a populist president. Mexico is now a potential model for the rest of Central America.
A country that reversed a narrative of poverty
The pandemic’s effects have put a spotlight on the resiliency of Bangladesh and its ability to shake off a stereotype as a “basket case” country a half century ago.