Chicken little forecast

Still Chugging Along

Volcanoes are erupting in The Philippines, but on-fire Australia received some welcome rain. The Iran war cries have been called off and The Donald’s military powers are about to be hamstrung by the Senate. Meanwhile, his impeachment trial is starting, and we’re all on Twitter for a front-row seat.


Pitch & Submission Guidelines

The Progress Network is now accepting pitches for original written work. Here is an idea of what we would love to receive in our inbox.

  • Substantive good news (no adorable pet rescues, please), especially if that news is scalable or applicable to other regions and/or contexts
  • Solutions journalism stories
  • Constructive opinions on current affairs (bonus points if it’s counterintuitive in a way that renders it inhospitable to mainstream news)
  • Progress-oriented takes on historical, psychological, philosophical, and cultural themes

We want to hear about success stories the world should know about, underreported but useful research, and views that should be considered more often than they are if we are to create a better future together. Here are a few stories that found a home with us:

And others that might have found a home with us are: 

You can also take a look through some of our already published content here for an idea of what we cover or at the writing of our Members to understand the kinds of topics, approach, and style that work for us. Tone can range from breezy to erudite. We are looking for reported articles, short- and long-form; opinion essays and think pieces; interviews (please note we do not accept pitches for interviews with members of The Progress Network); book, exhibit, and other related reviews; and even listicles. We do not accept pitches for book reviews on a book over two months old. 

Note that as we are nonpartisan, we accept views and arguments from across the political spectrum, but we are not usually interested in pieces that are wholly political or whose main focus is political strategy. 

Please send a short pitch (less than three paragraphs) with links to clips or a short bio that explains why you are the writer for this piece to You are welcome to send already written pieces if they have not been previously published. 

We are a small team. Please do not let a long wait time for an answer surprise you. 

Comments 21 Comments

  1. […] This is a movement striving for a brighter future amidst a world often filled with pessimistic voices. They are eager to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and progress-oriented perspectives on various themes including history, psychology, philosophy, and culture. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<< […]

  2. […] This is a movement striving for a brighter future amidst a world often filled with pessimistic voices. They are eager to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and progress-oriented perspectives on various themes including history, psychology, philosophy, and culture. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<< […]

  3. […] This is a movement striving for a brighter future amidst a world often filled with pessimistic voices. They are eager to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and progress-oriented perspectives on various themes including history, psychology, philosophy, and culture. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<< […]

  4. […] This is a movement striving for a brighter future amidst a world often filled with pessimistic voices. They are eager to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and progress-oriented perspectives on various themes including history, psychology, philosophy, and culture. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<< […]

  5. […] This is a movement striving for a brighter future amidst a world often filled with pessimistic voices. They are eager to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and progress-oriented perspectives on various themes including history, psychology, philosophy, and culture. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<< […]

  6. […] This is a movement striving for a brighter future amidst a world often filled with pessimistic voices. They are eager to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and progress-oriented perspectives on various themes including history, psychology, philosophy, and culture. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<< […]

  7. […] The Progress Network is “a movement that speaks to a better future in a world dominated by voices that suggest a worse one.” They would love to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and “progress-oriented takes on historical, psychological, philosophical, and cultural themes.” They accept reported articles, opinion essays and think pieces, interviews, reviews, and listicles. Their rates fall somewhere between $250-$650 “depending on length, whether it will include original reporting or not, etc.”. For details, read their pitch and submission guidelines. […]

  8. […] This is a movement striving for a brighter future amidst a world often filled with pessimistic voices. They are eager to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and progress-oriented perspectives on various themes including history, psychology, philosophy, and culture. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<< […]

  9. […] This is a movement striving for a brighter future amidst a world often filled with pessimistic voices. They are eager to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and progress-oriented perspectives on various themes including history, psychology, philosophy, and culture. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<< […]

  10. […] This is a movement striving for a brighter future amidst a world often filled with pessimistic voices. They are eager to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and progress-oriented perspectives on various themes including history, psychology, philosophy, and culture. Read the details and guidelines for submission >>here<< […]

  11. […] The Progress Network is “a movement that speaks to a better future in a world dominated by voices that suggest a worse one.” They would love to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and “progress-oriented takes on historical, psychological, philosophical, and cultural themes.” They accept reported articles, opinion essays and think pieces, interviews, reviews, and listicles. Their rates fall somewhere between $250-$650 “depending on length, whether it will include original reporting or not, etc.”. For details, read their pitch and submission guidelines. […]

  12. […] The Progress Network is “a movement that speaks to a better future in a world dominated by voices that suggest a worse one.” They would love to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and “progress-oriented takes on historical, psychological, philosophical, and cultural themes.” They accept reported articles, opinion essays and think pieces, interviews, reviews, and listicles. Their rates fall somewhere between $250-$650 “depending on length, whether it will include original reporting or not, etc.”. For details, read their pitch and submission guidelines. […]

  13. […] The Progress Network is “a movement that speaks to a better future in a world dominated by voices that suggest a worse one.” They are seeking writers to give solutions/tips for readers for these issues: tabloidization, filter bubbles, clickbait, surveillance capitalism, churnalism, algorithmic radicalization, slacktivism, paywalls, news deserts, media consolidation, social bots, and more. They will pay between $250 and $650 per piece. Pitches should be sent to [email protected]. There is no deadline for submission of pitches. For details, refer to their Tweet and pitch & submission guidelines.@progressntwrk […]

  14. […] The Progress Network is “a movement that speaks to a better future in a world dominated by voices that suggest a worse one.” They are seeking writers to give solutions/tips for readers for these issues: tabloidization, filter bubbles, clickbait, surveillance capitalism, churnalism, algorithmic radicalization, slacktivism, paywalls, news deserts, media consolidation, social bots, and more. They will pay between $250 and $650 per piece. Pitches should be sent to There is no deadline for submission of pitches. For details, refer to their Tweet and pitch & submission guidelines. […]

  15. […] The Progress Network is “a movement that speaks to a better future in a world dominated by voices that suggest a worse one.” They are looking for pitches. They have tweeted, “The cost of sequencing a full human genome has fallen rapidly. We’re curious about what it might mean for the future. Is that in your wheelhouse?” For something like a listicle, their rates start at $100. While for a long reported feature, their rates top out at about $1,000. Send your pitches to For details, read their Twitter thread and guidelines. […]

  16. […] The Progress Network is “a movement that speaks to a better future in a world dominated by voices that suggest a worse one.” They are seeking “writers to profile/interview Justice Ayesha Malik, the first female judge nominated to Pakistan’s supreme court.” For something like a listicle, their rates start at $100. While for a long reported feature, their rates top out at about $1,000. If interested, email your pitches to Read their Tweet here and their pitch and submission guidelines here. […]

  17. […] The Progress Network is “a movement that speaks to a better future in a world dominated by voices that suggest a worse one.” They are accepting pitches. They would love to receive substantive good news, solutions journalism stories, constructive opinions on current affairs, and “progress-oriented takes on historical, psychological, philosophical, and cultural themes.” They are seeking reported articles, opinion essays and think pieces, interviews, reviews, and listicles. For something like a listicle, their rates start at $100. While for a long reported feature, their rates top out at about $1,000. For more information, refer to their Tweet and pitch and submission guidelines. […]